Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Google Forms

Here is the link to my google form!

The results of the survey I posted showed that people applied to either a small number of colleges (i.e. 1 college) or more than 4. The common reason for selecting the university or college they are attending was because of proximity to home and the cost. One result showed that somebody had recieved a scholarship. Most of the majors fell into the Education field.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Create Yourself!

This week our video to watch was Digital Youth Portrait: Sam.

The thing that I thought was the greatest about this video is the attitude of Sam's parents. I thought it was so awesome that they really saw past just how much time Sam was spending texting or chatting on the internet or overall how much time she spent with technology. Her parents really saw all the benefits Sam was going to gain from all her time with technology.

For me, my family that I live with understands the importance of techonology and really encourage skill building. My dad on the other hand, while he thinks technology is important gets very annoyed with how much time I spend using it. Techonolgy is a huge part of life and is only going to continue to keep growing and I think people need to realize and understand this but we also need to learn how to balance our computer and cell phone and networking so that we still have time in the here and now and get to enjoy life.

I would really like to help my students see the importance of technology and begin introducing them to its many uses but with that I would also like to teach them moderation. I find it really hard to believe that 3rd grade and sometimes even younger students are already having trouble with this balance by disrupting their learning with having phones, ipods, game systems, etc. out in class.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This week our video was Parallel Play or Collaboration–Leveraging the Wiki Platform for High Quality Work.

I honestly feel that this video was a bit hard to sit through. It was full of great infromation on how to utilize wikis in and outside of the classroom but I was really having trouble getting this information. Not that I didn't understand the information but had difficulty actually getting the important stuff out of the video.

In highschool some of my teachers began using website similar to wikis. I loved that they used this even for basic uses such as to keep parents and students updated. I liked knowing I could go get notes and missed assigments and not have to get behind.

The idea of wikis are great! I just have to wonder just how mature my students will be and if they will be able to handle the responsibility of using a wiki and if parents will be a teaching partner and help teach their students these responsibilites. And as always there is the time factor.